Return and Cancellation Policy: Returns: If you wish to return an item after receiving it, please note the following.Cancellation Before Dispatch: If you cancel your order before it’s dispatched, there’s no charge. Cancellation After Dispatch: Once the order has been dispatched to you, any cancellations or returns will incur a 1 OMR fee. Unopened products can be returned within a specified period (14 days) from the date of delivery. To be eligible for a return, the product must remain unopened and in its original packaging.If the product has been opened or used, it is not eligible for return.Please ensure that the packaging is intact and identical to how we delivered it. Opened products cannot be Retuned. Only unopened items are eligible for cancellation. We will revise your returned product as soon as we receive it and if it follows the guidelines addressed above, we will proceed to issue a refund of your purchase. Your refund takes 3 days to process, but you will be notified when you receive your money.
Thank you for your understanding! If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.Warehouse Contact info
WhatsApp +96871598051